NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) Epiquery
Case Study: NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) Epiquery
Outcomes Delivered
Leveraging our Community Health Analytics platform, Voyatek helped NYC’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) launch Epiquery, a web-based tool that provides user-friendly visualization and analysis tools so users can easily access public health data, track trends, and better understand health indicators and disparities across NYC neighborhoods.
The solution consolidates more than 10 million records, and 90% of user transactions take less than 3 seconds to complete.
EpiQuery was also critical during the early stages of COVID-19 and signaled the spread of a flu-like illness within the first two weeks of March 2020.

Solution Overview
Voyatek created a web-based tool that enables users to access health data from a variety of DOHMH datasets to run analyses, and obtain tables, charts, graphs, and neighborhood maps.
Key Benefits
- Flexible, responsive, mobile-first design that’s accessible from all popular browsers and smartphones
- Self-service data analytics and visualization allows non-technical users to explore and analyze data
- Integration with social media tools lets users dynamically create and share community health content
- A metadata repository helps users quickly find the most relevant data sets