FL Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE): Computerized Criminal History (CCH) Modernization
FL Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE): Computerized Criminal History (CCH) Modernization
Florida’s Computerized Criminal History (CCH) system was implemented 40 years ago. The significantly outdated processes and technology resulted in excessive development time and maintenance of the system. Over the years, FDLE had patched code and stretched the system to do things it was never intended to perform. The technology stack of the existing CCH was limited and made it difficult to provide the services and scalability required of criminal justice information systems.
The CCH system is a central part of the Florida criminal justice information system, and it supports a large portion of the information services. Every part of the criminal justice community relies on criminal history, police, investigations, determining bonds, prosecution, sentencing, and corrections classification. The CCH system is tied to other critical systems, like the Biometric Identification System (BIS) and the Florida Crime Information Center (FCIC), and is necessary for them to function fully.
In addition to the age of the system, Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) staff assigned to use the CCH system are required to perform most of their business processes, or workflow, manually. The manual, paper-based processes used today are no longer practical considering the higher number of CCH records compared to 30-40 years ago.

The Solution:
Voyatek was awarded a contract in August 2015 to modernize the CCH system leveraging our state-of-the-art product Voyatek Computerized Criminal History, perform business process improvements, and automate current manual processes. The goal of this award was to implement a modernized CCH system that will improve the services available, quality of information, integrity of the data and continue to respect the privacy of individuals; in effect making Florida safer for citizens, visitors, and the public safety officials.
Voyatek CCH is a state-of-the-art, all-encompassing enterprise Computerized Criminal History. Voyatek CCH is built on cross-cutting technology to handle the sequence of events in Criminal Justice Systems. Moreover, it can be configured and customized to fulfill the specific requirements of any Law Enforcement Agency.
Voyatek CCH is equipped to handle the entire Criminal Cycle, including Fingerprint services, Arrest processing, Disposition, Correction, Parole, Probation, Applicant Processing, Inquiry, and Rap Sheet processing. With advanced InBox, Workflow, and Notification services, Voyatek CCH ensures your agency never misses any key updates. All these modules on top of a robust Auditing and Reporting system ensure that accountability is not compromised at any level of service.
The implementation of Voyatek CCH was divided into two phases; key reasons were to realize the new system’s benefits sooner and divide the project into multi-parts to mitigate the risk of the big-bang approach.
Phase one involved setting up the environment, establishing enterprise and application architecture, installing base Voyatek CCH software, and reengineering 12 key business processes, including:
- Name Change
- Agency Correction
- Review Challenge
- Disposition
- Finger Print Verification
- Compromise Identity
- Cases
- Seal & Expunge – Pre-certification and Appeal
- Seal & Expunge – Court Order
- FEB – Appeals
- FEB – Conditional non-approvals
- FEB – Out of State
Phase two of the project completed the implementation of Voyatek CCH to encompass all criminal events.
- Arrest
- Notice to Appear
- Failure to Appear
- Court Dispositions (Arraignment, interim disposition, final disposition)
- Corrections (admissions and discharge)
- Parole
- Probation

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s modernization of their Computerized Criminal History system was completed on time and budget. The project culminated in a successful go-live giving law enforcement organizations across the state on-demand access to complete criminal histories.