California Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) Capitation Payment Management System (CAPMAN) Project
CAPMAN Project
California Department of Healthcare Services (DHCS) Capitation Payment Management System (CAPMAN) Project
Voyatek provides ongoing support to the California DHCS Capitation Payment Management System (CAPMAN), which serves 12 million beneficiaries across California.
The CAPMAN system processes beneficiary enrollment and payment information in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) by transmitting HIPAA-compliant 834 Enrollment and 820 Remittance Advice transactions.
By using standardized transactions, CAPMAN increases interoperability between DHCS and managed care health plans.
Additionally, Voyatek is responsible for ongoing maintenance and operation of the CAPMAN system along with designing, developing, testing, and implementing enhancements prompted by legislative or policy changes.